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department of safety and homeland security

Division of State Police

2400 Board of Examiners of Constables

Statutory Authority: 10 Delaware Code, Chapter 27 (10 Del.C. Ch. 27)



2400 Board of Examiners of Constables

Pursuant to the Guidelines in 29 Del.C. §10118(a)(1)-(7), the Board of Examiners of Constables ("Board") hereby issues this Order. Following notice and a public hearing on the proposed adoption of amendments to rule 5.0 Firearms Policy, the Board makes the following Findings and Conclusions:

Summary of Evidence and Information Submitted

1. The Board did not receive written evidence or information pertaining to the proposed adoption.

2. The Board expressed its desire to adopt the amendment to clarify the requirements for a constable to carry a weapon while on duty.

Findings of Fact

3. The public was given notice and the opportunity to provide the Board with comments, in writing and by oral testimony, on the proposed amendments. The written comments and oral testimony received are described in paragraph 1.

4. The Board finds that the adoption of this rule will clarify the requirements for a constable to carry a weapon while on duty.

5. The Board finds that the adoption will have no adverse impact on the public.

6. The Board finds that the amendment is well written and describes its intent to adopt the rule to clarify the requirements for a constable to carry a weapon while on duty.


7. The proposed rule was published by the Board in accord with the statutory duties and authority as set forth in 10 Del.C. §2701 et seq. and, in particular, 10 Del.C. §2702(b).

8. The Board deems this adoption necessary and expedient to the full and official performance of its duties under 10 Del.C. §2701 et. seq.

9. The Board concludes that the adoption of this rule will be in the best interests of the citizens of the State of Delaware.

10. The Board therefore adopts this amendment pursuant to 10 Del.C. §2702(b) and guidelines of 29 Del.C. §10118 of the Administrative Procedures Act. See, Strauss v. Silverman, Del. Supr., 399 A.2d 192 (1979).

11. This adopted rule replaces in its entirety any former rule or regulation heretofore promulgated by the Board.

12. The effective date of this Order shall be March 1, 2013.

13. Attached hereto and incorporated herein this order is the amended rule marked as exhibit A and executed simultaneously by the Board on the 14th of February, 2013.

Chief William E. Bryson
Lt. Colonel James Paige
Ralph K. Durstein, III, Esquire
Mr. John F. Tharan
Major Mark Hitch

2400 Board of Examiners of Constables

1.0 Experience

1.1 A constable must meet the minimum training standards as established by the Board.

Adopted 09/10/86

Amended 05/16/00

2.0 Appeal

2.1 Any applicant who is rejected for a commission as a constable may, within 30 days of such notice of rejection, submit a written notice of appeal.

2.2 A hearing date, to be determined by the Board, will be convened to take relevant evidence on the appeal.

2.3 Such proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the administrative procedures act (Title 29).

2.4 The Board decision, in writing, will be mailed to the applicant within ten working days after the hearing.

Adopted 09/10/86

3.0 Law Enforcement Exemption

3.1 Applicants, who were prior law enforcement officers in any jurisdiction and have been away from police work for not more than five (5) years, will be considered for commissions on a case-by-case basis.

3.2 Applicants, who have been law enforcement officers in the past but have been away from active law enforcement for more than five (5) years, will be required to take either the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) or the PAI (Personal Assessment Inventory), under the conditions noted in Rule 4.0, and a comprehensive, multiple-choice examination of the minimum standards established by the Board to demonstrate their knowledge of the duties of a Constable. Once those shortcomings have been identified, the individual officer will be required to take the requisite training where the deficiency was noted.

Adopted 10/16/96

Amended 05/16/00

4.0 Employment

4.1 All applicants must submit written testimony from five (5) reputable citizens attesting to good character, integrity, and competency.

4.2 All applicants must submit to either the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) or the PAI (Personal Assessment Inventory) evaluation performed by a licensed psychologist who has knowledge of the requirements of the duties of the Constable position, that the applicant is psychologically fit to function as a competent Constable.

4.3 All applicants shall be required to submit an application and their fingerprints to the Director of Detective Licensing on the appropriate forms. The Director of the State Bureau of Identification shall set the processing fee.

4.4 No full-time police officer may apply for a commission as a constable.

4.5 All applicants seeking a new commission as a constable shall be required to submit a $100.00 application fee.

4.6 A $50.00 annual renewal fee shall be required to accompany the renewal application each year thereafter.

4.7 A constable shall not be a member or employee of any Delaware law enforcement organization, as defined by the council on Police Training, or a member or employee of a law enforcement organization of any other state or federal jurisdiction.

Adopted 05/16/00

5.0 Firearm’s Policy

5.1 No person licensed under Title 24 Chapter 13 Sections 1315 & 1317 10 Del.C. §2703 shall carry a firearm unless that person has first passed an approved firearms course given of instruction and an initial qualification administered by a Board approved certified firearms instructor. which The course of instruction shall include a minimum 40 hours course of instruction of training. The Professional Licensing Section may waive the 40 hour training requirement depending upon the applicant's professional credentials, training and/or work experience (i.e. prior law enforcement).

5.2 Individuals licensed to carry a firearm must shoot a minimum of three (3) qualifying shoots per constable year, scheduled on at least two (2) separate days, with a recommended minimum 90 days between scheduled shoots. Of these three (3), there will be one (1) mandatory "low light" shoot. Simulation is permitted and it may be combined with a daylight shoot. The initial qualification shot may be used to fulfill one day and one low light requirement during the first year.

5.2.1 A constable year shall be June 1st to May 31st.

5.2.2 An individual not meeting the minimum qualifications set forth in 5.2. may have their firearms license suspended until such time that they meet the minimum three (3) qualifying shoots within the constable year.

5.23 Firearms - approved type caliber of weapons

5.23.1 9mm

5.23.2 .357

5.23.3 .38

5.23.4 .40

5.34 All weapons must be either a revolver or semi-automatic and must be double-action or double-action only and must be maintained to factory specifications.

5.45 Under no circumstances will anyone be allowed to carry any type of shotgun or rifle or any type of weapon that is not described herein.

5.56 All individuals must qualify with the same type make/model/caliber of weapon that he/she will carry.

5.67 All ammunition will be factory fresh (no re-loads).

5.78 The minimum passing score is 80%.

5.9 All licenses are valid for a period of one (1) constable year.

5.10 Firearms Instructors

5.10.1 Firearms instructors must be certified by the National Rifle Association, a law enforcement training and standards commission (i.e. C.O.P.T.), and/or another professional firearms training institution as a "certified firearms instructor".

5.10.2 Firearms instructors are restricted to teaching and qualifying individuals according to the type of firearm matching their certification. (For example, a certified shotgun instructor may only instruct and qualify individuals with the shotgun.)

5.10.3 All firearms instructors must be approved by the Board before they are authorized to instruct or qualify individuals licensed under 10 Del.C. Ch. 27.

Adopted 05/20/02

16 DE Reg. 996 (03/01/13) (Final)